West Wight Potter 15 Sailboat by International Marine

2016-05-03 by Shorty
The Potter 15 has an open top centerboard trunk and if you swap the boat, can be difficult to recover if you don't know the trick. The problem is if the cabin becomes flooded with water and you try to bail it out, more water comes in through the top of the trunk. The simple solution is to stuff rags or something else in there to temporarily seal it off. That lets you bail the water out and prevents more from coming in. The picture is from the 2009 Texas 200 where a potter accidentally swamped and a group of puddle duckers came along and rescued him.

Date Posted: 2016-05-03
Comment ID: 139
Posted By: Shorty
Sailboat ID: 12
Sailboat: West Wight Potter 15 Sailboat by International Marine